Gaining Design Experience
Designing T-Shirts for FM Safety Day

This quarter we are highlighting Facilities Management (FM)’s newest marketing and communications intern, Emily Reed! Emily is a fourth-year design and political science major and started working at FM this past June.
Emily has worked for UC Davis since her freshman year, when she worked as an Aggie Public Health Ambassador. For the next two years, she worked for Student Housing and Dining Services as a service desk clerk. Emily says she loves being a student employee and is so grateful that there are so many employment opportunities here, especially internships such as this one that help further her career goals!
Emily’s main responsibilities as a marketing and communications intern are to assist with marketing staff and outreach events and to help put together the quarterly newsletter. She spends her work day taking photos, designing flyers, and writing articles.
Recently, Emily worked on designing marketing materials for Safety Day, which she says has been her favorite project so far! She designed staff T-shirts as well as a safety poster. Emily says it has been really interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes at facilities, and that she learns something new about the department every day.
After she graduates this spring, Emily hopes to work in graphic design or marketing. She says her experiences here at FM have helped her to solidify her future career goals.
Outside of work, Emily loves to spend her time reading, hiking, thrifting, or spending time with friends and family. She also dedicates her time to PIXEL graphic design club as its co-executive director. We’re excited to welcome you to the FM team, Emily!